Stuck with a website that's not delivering ROI or conversions? It might be time for a strategic redesign.

Your website serves as the digital face of your business, acting as the initial point of contact for potential customers. But what if that’s not reflecting the growth and evolution of your company? 

It's like having a static image in a dynamic world. Worse yet, if your website design feels like a relic from the past, it's definitely time for a change.

Benefits of a website redesign:

  • A redesigned website can instantly captivate your audience, leaving a lasting impression from the moment they land on your page.
  • Your website becomes a living representation of your brand, depicting its values, identity, and vision.
  • A website redesign improves the overall quality of the user experience by focusing on usability and functionality. 
  • A fresh design breathes new life into your website, making it visually appealing and engaging for visitors.
  • With an updated design, your website ensures accessibility for all users. 

With all these benefits in mind, it's clear that a website redesign is exactly what your brand needs to permeate into the minds of your users. 

Partnering with the best UI UX design company is critical to ensure a successful website redesign journey.  

You have been toying with the idea of giving your website a facelift and need to know if you are taking the right decision. You have come to the right place. Dive right in and get the complete clarity you need right now.

In this article, we will discuss: 

What is Website Redesign?

Imagine your website as a building, with its structure, foundation, and layout.

Redesigning is like a major renovation where we maintain the foundation but completely overhaul the building, including its organization, functionality, visuals, and content.

Now, you might be wondering, if you only have issues with typography or color themes, does it still count as a website redesign?

The answer is no! 

Those are minor adjustments. A redesign involves a fastidious approach to address multiple issues such as

  • loading times
  • low conversion rates
  • outdated layouts. 

A UX audit props up these issues, highlighting the need for  immediate attention. 

Does Your Website Need a Redesign?

Deciding to redesign your website is a big step that requires careful consideration.

It's a massive project that demands expert resources to see it through from start to finish.

Fortunately, Aufait UX, one of the best UI/UX design companies in India, is here to help you each step of the way.

Here are some signs that indicate your website may need a redesign:

  • Your website doesn't reflect your brand identity
  • There's a significant drop-off in user engagement at the conversion funnel
  • Users are struggling to contact you through the website
  • The outdated design of your website fails to impress users at first glance
  • The user interface is inconsistent and confusing, leading to errors
  • Bonus question: Are you generally satisfied with your website's performance?

If you're facing any of these issues, it might be time for a website overhaul.

Now let us talk about some of the major issues listed here separately in the next section with some real website redesign examples. 

Case study examples of successful redesign

Your Website Doesn’t Convey Your Brand’s Identity

When your website fails to reflect your brand's identity, it's like speaking a different language.

Visual elements such as colors, fonts, icons, and images should all echo your brand's voice. 

For instance, during our website redesign at Aufait UX, we boldly emphasized our brand as a UI/UX service provider by integrating a white UX typeface on a light Cranberry Pink background.

This gave our visual identity a significant boost.

Check out the simple and clean design of our website here. 

The logo design of Aufait UX

Furthermore, paying attention to every detail in your content strategy is important. Each piece of content must align with your brand's values and identity.

For inspiration, take a look at Panos Pictures, a Documentary photo and Film agency, whose website overhaul beautifully showcased their brand identity. 

This is what a well-planned and executed website redesign looks like. 

The website redesign of Panos Pictures, featuring a vibrant color scheme and thematic elements that reinforced their brand identity.

A Concerning Drop off of Users at Conversion Funnel

This is alarming because it could mean that your website's functionality and design are outdated, making it less appealing to users. 

It might also be because your website isn't mobile-responsive, causing users to leave. There could be several reasons for this.

Take, for example,, an online transcription and captions service.

They underwent a complete redesign to achieve a more modern and professional look.

Previously, their website featured a carousel with 50s-style retro graphics, which you can see here. 

The initial website design of with outdated style and graphics.

However, after the redesign, they opted for a modern and clean interface, as shown here.

The redesigned website of with a modern and clean interface.

The new design, with its cards, playful colors, and subtle animations, captures users' attention and encourages them to click the call-to-action button. 

The redesign gave inspirational data of an impressive 18% increase in conversion rate.

The Website Not Compliant With Accessibility Guidelines

If a UX audit has identified an abject non-compliance with accessibility guidelines like WCAG, EAA, or ADA e, you might be anxious about potential legal consequences.

In such a situation, reaching out to the best UI/UX design company in India for a consultation can be a smart move. 

By addressing these issues through UX audit services and redesign, you can ensure your website is accessible to all.

Here's an intriguing twist: recall the website design of Aadhar, known as the world's largest biometric design.

Despite its monumental status in serving millions of people in India, its initial website design fell short of inclusivity and accessibility.

The website was redesigned focusing on accessibility features like alt text and improved color contrast, along with the addition of a screen reader option. 

The redesigned website of Aadhar with built-in accessibility features.

Dissatisfaction With the Website Performance

Even if your website gets decent traffic, it might still lag behind your competitors in Google search rankings. Why? 

Because Google pays close attention to how user-friendly your web pages are.

That's why it's crucial to keep up with changing user expectations and address their pain points as they arise, all the while keeping things elegant and user-friendly.

Our website redesign process

Look at How We Redesign Your Website That Carve Out a Brand Epoch

If you're considering redesigning your website and are looking for a UI/UX design agency, don't hesitate to give us a call

Our team of expert designers is ready to start a conversation with you, focusing on innovation and your unique needs. 

Let's create something amazing together!

Disclaimer: All image credits to rightful owners 

Aparna K S

Aparna is a content creator who is passionate about UX design. Her works are informed by her deep knowledge and understanding of the field. She blends creativity and her unique perspective of the field to create engaging and informative articles. Aparna seeks to inspire and educate readers by providing valuable insights into the world of UX design. Connect with Aparna via

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Need a professional team for your website redesign?

Hire us to create cutting-edge UX/UI designs that captivate, engage, and convert.

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